And who would have thought and dreamed…. 3 years!
Yes it is so, just THREE years are passed since April 10, 2011… when the English version of Automotive Space was originated.
Nothing left to imagine that we would become a community presents on 12 Social Network and counting more than 7,000 followers.
Three years in which we didn’t waste a useful day to publish something that would be considerable at international level…. 520 posts in italian, 140 in english, 1.600 italian press releases!
We didn’t even miss a recent change of topic and a growing newsletter with 20,000 real and active mails!
The numbers that distinguished us make envy at the most illustrious brand and editorial publications; 2,650 on Linkedin– the second Automotive Group in Italian-, 2,600 on Facebook and 1,600 on Twitter.
Each contact is real, lived, researched, cultivated… nothing of artificial!
Our posts are read worldwide, from the U.S.A. to China, from the South Africa to Australia… with a predominance by European countries.
I speak as “we”, not because delusions of grandeur, but only because AS has had about 50 coworkers and without them we wouldn’t have so much consent.
I won’t fill data, these information are on the Slideshare profile… and remember that there is space for everyone is searching visibility and has the courage to express his opinions.
p.s: here there are the last data of Automotive Space in only 4 sheet.
Translated by Federica Izzo