used cars

A KPI will save the entire Automotive field or it will bury us?

There is no sector in which it is possible to disregard a trivial KPI. But let’s start by saying what a KPI is: it is a dashboard. It is a screen, an A4 sheet, which shows the trends of a given variable that, and we will talk about this, has a decisive influence on a business. Let’s start with a prejudicial element that divides an entrepreneurial activity from all the rest. I can know if...

The residual value of your new car

residual value
For the last few days I have been hearing the ad on the italian radio for the new Alfa Romeo Giulietta and the part about maintaining its value in the used car market according to Eurotax and Quattroruote (the most important italian automotive newspaper) really caught my attention. I wondered: is it really true what they’re saying in the Giulietta ad? And, if it is true, why advertise it during...

Bifuel or not? This is the question…Part 2

Here follows the analysis of LPG-CNG  started in the past weeks with questions and answers: Life of LPG-CNG injectors around 30000 miles As mentioned is always advisable to switch to LPG with gasoline especially if you make long-distance routes, for short routes this problem does not exist. Replace LPG-CNG filter every 10000miles The cost is very limited (less than simple operation, and 25 euros) Engine...

Bifuel or not? This is the question…Part 1

In this period of expensive fuel, I suggest again the question of convenience or not to switch to gas. Whether it’s natural gas or LPG, the car is registered as an original bi-fuel or it is transformed , the advantages are many: savings on supplies, reduced emissions and always the ability to drive. What I am going to do is a list of the main concerns, of even greater concern, which can be in dealing...