Mike Robinson: interview with a versatile designer – 3rd Part

Third and final part of the interview with Mike Robinson, Brand Manager and Chief Designer by Bertone. The first part will find it here as this is the second.
Recently you also assumed the responsibility of the transportation design department? Do you think this area can improve, change substantially in the near future? What are the your suggestions?
Taking on the responsibility of the world of transportation...
Mike Robinson: interview with a versatile designer – 2nd Part

Here there is the first part of the interview with Mike Robinson, Brand Manager and Chief Designer in Bertone.
You always create futuristic designs and as a source of inspiration you have the historical Bertone masterpieces. How do you think the design world will evolve in the next 10 years? Will the car remain the same object that we know today?
In 10 years from now cars will be almost identical...
Mike Robinson: interview with a versatile designer – 1st Part

Date of interview: March 3, 2012
Professional Profile: Mike Robinson
Notes: Interview by Artemisa Bega
While thinking about the automotive world in general, and more specifically about the car design world, including communication and the fascinating star system in the industry, I remembered a very special, unique personality that I had the pleasure of interviewing, which produced an unusual...