What do I have to expect if I choose a CNG car?

The OEM has commercialised dual-fuel models for about 20 years: petrol and methane or single-fuel that is only methane.
At the beginning the production of these cars didn’t directly take place from the same car manufacturer, but the transformation was entrusted to external fitters, who installed the system on the car with the original petrol version.
Basically they were solutions very similar...
LPG systems, layout and security

One of the most known indicator that gives us an immediate idea about the safety level provided by a vehicle is the number of stars rated during the Euro NCAP test.
The stars are rated to the shock tests passed and to the presence of security – related contents.
Thanks to the tightening up both of the tests and the calculation method, today we have on our vehicles an infinitive of electronic devices,...
The China gives up the electrics and the Europe just watches

Two months ago I published one post dealing with selling data and the evolution, over the last years, of the electric cars in Europe.
To avoid of causing useless wars, I limited to reporting market data (ACEA) and to suggesting how to read them analytically and how to contextualize them.
But in private, someone wanted to charge me with provincialism, saying for instance:
“…Pietro, but the...
The LPG and CNG help you, such as the electrics

The plan, which foresees about 3,000 LPG fuel stations and 1,000 CNG ones to the end of 2012, is proceeding at a steady pace toward the goal. Actually Fiat Professional has already monitored 3065 LPG points (+40 closed) and 908 CNG points (+8 closed) regularly active (data September 7, 2012).
In spite of this, a subtle and insightful enemy, the electric Lobby, which includes several devices in its...
European people urgently needs an Industrial Automotive Project

In 2008 the global financial crisis hit European Economy reducing real purchase power and effecting commodities sectors, including the automotive. Markets started to decline and the European Governments decided to support automotive, considering the high impact over GDP.
In All Top 5 European markets, scrap incentive schemes were introduced in order to stimulate market demand and push low emission...
Bifuel or not? This is the question…Part 2

Here follows the analysis of LPG-CNG started in the past weeks with questions and answers:
Life of LPG-CNG injectors around 30000 miles
As mentioned is always advisable to switch to LPG with gasoline especially if you make long-distance routes, for short routes this problem does not exist.
Replace LPG-CNG filter every 10000miles
The cost is very limited (less than simple operation, and 25 euros)
Bifuel or not? This is the question…Part 1

In this period of expensive fuel, I suggest again the question of convenience or not to switch to gas. Whether it’s
natural gas or LPG, the car is registered as an original bi-fuel or it is transformed , the advantages are many: savings on supplies, reduced emissions and always the ability to drive. What I am going to do is a list of the main concerns, of even greater concern, which can be in