THE CASE OF SAAB AUTOMOBILE AB – From core capabilities into core rigidities – A trajectory towards demise (Second Part)

THE FIRST PART GM‘s decision to develop products for a wider market (thus losing appeal in the eyes of historical customers) and inconsistent industrial choices (“sometimes it seemed that everything had to be produced in Rüsselsheim, other times in Trollhättan, even Opel cars”) lead to an inevitable decline in sales. Only the collapse recorded in 1996 (90,000 cars) convinced the Americans...

China is near. Its not a film: it’s reality!

Considering that the European car market is restarting, with exciting business opportunities at the horizon. Assuming that some Chinese carmakers “stepped on the gas” in the international arena, and are seeking for western commercial partners. Admitting that in China the development of new automobiles & vans runs at speeds fivefold compared to our. Established that the world leader...