Land Rover. Innovation takes a step forward

The endless possibilities offered by the new digital technologies give to the innovation a significant support. And it is clear that in the delicate evolutionary phase which the automotive world is crossing, the leverages on innovation is a way to enhance the products and services necessary to increase the value transferred to the customers.
Thanks to the new technologies, we are witnessing a continuous...
In the footsteps of Marco Polo by car … driverless!

40,000 fatal car accidents occur every year in Europe and 93% of them are due to human errors. This is the evidence that highlights the limits of the “automobile solution” for land transportation.
The use of this solution for people transportation implies the death of a percentage of them! It is as if every year a small town would disappear. It is unpleasant to make a so dramatic statement...
The car according to Google

The driver? … It’s an optional!
How do you create something really new in the automotive field?
The answer is: think different!
It is what the brilliant creators of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, made getting to an original and hardly debatable conclusion: the limit of the car we know is connected to the limits of the driver!
The driving experience, the psychophysical state and many...
The electric innovation: the voice of distrust

After the article on the test of Tesla Roadster: “Tesla Roadester: the electrical solution!” the criticisms forwarded privately surpassed public.
Comments are welcome in any case because are made politely and with arguments of value that help us to better assess the facts.
Before going on I state that what I wrote about the test is exactly what I think, without any kind of conditioning.
Tesla Roadster: the electrical solution!

Being professionally involved with innovation I couldn’t remain indifferent to the events of Tesla, intrigued by this Californian start-up created by a serial innovator as Elon Musk. The promotional road show, having Rome as one of its scheduled stops, was an opportunity I couldn’t miss and after some contacts by email I got in touch with Roberto Toro, Communications Manager Europe, who showed...
Full of electrons and go!

What will be the futuristic propulsive solution for private transportation?
It is hard to say which one will prevail. The hybrid or pure electric perhaps, well aware of the current benefits and limitations of those innovative systems.
Beyond this, however, I believe that innovation must include an alternative to the traditional concept of car overcoming the paradox of more or less comfortable touring...
“After Market” Electric Cars

Sunday, May 22, at the fair Terrafutura was held in Florence an interesting workshop on sustainable mobility organized by the no-profit organization Energoclub represented by Professor Gianfranco Padovan.
During the event the main issues of context were addressed:
Air pollution
Recharging infrastructure
Electric traction
The environmental crisis in urban areas, clearly illustrated by Dr....