2021, the list of the most read posts on Automotive Space

11 Years of AUTOMOTIVE SPACE and also this year we publish the list of most read posts! I chose to publish the 10 most read posts to understand what is more interesting for our readers and give a list of posts, to the readers, that the Community deem worthy of being read. Automotive Space is on line since 11 years (with about 290 posts issued); please, contact us (redazione@automotivespace.eu) if you...

Do we ask the customer for leading feedback or a specific consultancy?

The more structured dealers, with or without the support of the companies they work for, have set up monitoring systems for their activities through the release of feedback from customers since years. It is not often an “autonomous” job, but it derives by the fact that car manufacturers recognize a reward when this feedback is above a certain percentage. Not all customers are contacted...

2020, the list of the most read posts on Automotive Space

Also this year we like to publish the list of most read posts, from begin (about 10 years), of Automotive Space! I chose to publish the 10 most read posts to understand what is more interesting for our readers and give a list of posts, to the readers, that the Community deem worthy of being read. Automotive Space is on line since 10 years (with about 280 posts issued) at this moment we haven’t...

Coronavirus and the three points of no return for the automotive

One of the fields, which will be more affected from the Coronavirus, is, with any doubt, the heavy industry and, among them, in Europe the automotive. The whole supply chain is suffering the consequences of a sudden collapse in the final demand; the recovery won’t be immediate at all simply because the EU market is a substitutional one and therefore the demand curve is very elastic to negative...

JIT and JIS, how the Covid is changing the Automotive Industry

It has been talking a lot (specially on every social Network) about the COVID-19 impact on everyday life; but it’s interesting to me looking at the effects on the OEM and their organization. For some decades, the automotive has been “merely” an assembly industry. No generalist OEM produces, but is limited to designing and participating in the industrialization of the project; the...

Service and CRM lesson from dentists, gas station attendants and tyre dealers

About twenty years ago, as I started my carrier in the automotive field, I was clearly told that Dealers, would have always done more business on the After Sales and on mortgages. More in general the “Service” would have been the real key point of incomes in a medium and long term. From the simple inspection to the MOT, the tire change, the insurance, the second handed car for the young...

Dallara – It’s a beautiful story

Cesare Fiorio, Frank Williams, Mario Andretti, Jean Todt (and other racing drivers and managers) describe not one but several beautiful stories, all of them referring to Giampaolo Dallara. Frank Williams (several Formula 1’s world championship winner) thinks that Giampaolo Dallara is very similar to his technical director (“He’s a Patrick Head-type of engineer to whom the fundamentals of physics...

Dealer Governance, not anymore an option!

The crisis and even more the false recovery of last two years, have made it immediate the need of a true company/Dealer governance to be independent of the property. Several times on this blog, in my opinion, we talked about the real “lack” that affects the medium-large Italian Dealer; the existence of a clear governance, defined and above all totally released from ownership. It seemed...

Dealers Management Control: a stranger?

It seems strange, but still today there are dealers with millionaire turnovers, which have Management Control limited only to aspects of the official budget, often managed in outsourcing. All very useful data, of course, but that underline an already consolidated state; forcing the company, often, for sudden and late solutions. The main point is that the dealer focused on himself, or on trusted men,...

Productivity optimization in the After Sales

Recently, more and more often, the request made by those who own a business in the After Sales is that to increase the productivity. The common query is: “My incomes are decreased, the only thing I can increase is the productivity per employee, how we can do it?” The productivity of an automotive business is based on several factors both internal and external; we will shortly analyse them. We...

The After-Sales and the Digital, are we sure this is the right direction?

In the middle of Digital Revolution, did you think the Post-Sale had been saved? Wrong! After the slogan – far from having been stopped yet – that “if the dealers do not turn to digital are intended to die“, the new fashion 2017 is the “Digital”. Forgive my irony, but if, by chance, you are not digital, be aware that you won’t be able to stay on the market...

2018, the list of the most read posts on Automotive Space

Also this year we like to publish the list of most read posts, from begin, of Automotive Space! I chose to publish the 10 most read posts to understand what is more interesting for our readers and give a list of posts, to readers, that the Community deem worthy of being read. Automotive Space is on line since 8 years (with about 230 posts issued) and sometimes publish a fewer number of posts because...

From B2B and B2C to 1to1: How the commercial policies change

The “dogma” that we learned at the university, during the masters, and then in the working life, that is from a business point of view the private client and the client company were different, is no longer true. The competitive element among the supplying companies, the amount of information that the customer receives (whether it is a company or a consumer) has overthrown many of the assumptions...

Lead generation and CRM: Is it sure they are always essential?

Every year millions of euros are spent, both centrally and as a dealer, to generate leads. Another million euros are used for CRM actions to acquire customers. But what is the generation of “lead” and the CRM? The lead generation “…a marketing action which allows to create a list of possible customers interested in products or services offered by a company.” Whereas for...

Does anybody calculate the damages of the false influencers on the Web Reputation?

After 7 years of uninterrupted publications and more than 800 unedited posts published, mostly evergreen, I often want to look at some previous posts. Among the many that I am particularly fond of, and most of them not written by me, there are some that are very current; despite they having been published many years ago. One of these is the post on the WEB REPUTATION; focused on how the web gives space...

How an automotive company could change core business

This post was originated as a practical continuation and as an integration to the previous “The automotive dealers haven’t changed core business yet” and for this reason it is necessary to make some clarifications. For 10 years, if even not more, they tell us the world has changed, or better by making a more careful analysis the world has always changed; in the last few years, however,...

The automotive dealers haven’t changed their core business yet

Excited by the increasing data related to the 2017, there are, however, automotive dealer, multi-brand, and service operators who are sulky and whiny. Of course, a positive signal it’s better than a negative one but, as Catalano (italian comic actor), would say, those numbers hide some truths that many pretend not to see. Dealers complain about the reduction in margins, despite the closure of...

Spare parts bought online, the end of the workshops?

spare parts
In many years who sells new cars can sustain especially with several collateral activities, which in the end, analysing the balance sheets, are not at all collateral. Warehouse, Workshop, Bodywork, Financial Services and Insurance represent much more than “forced activities” to have a mandate. The quickest to look around have turned their company into a multitude of activities on their...

A KPI will save the entire Automotive field or it will bury us?

There is no sector in which it is possible to disregard a trivial KPI. But let’s start by saying what a KPI is: it is a dashboard. It is a screen, an A4 sheet, which shows the trends of a given variable that, and we will talk about this, has a decisive influence on a business. Let’s start with a prejudicial element that divides an entrepreneurial activity from all the rest. I can know if...

Digital Automotive: if you are too far ahead, you may risk to burn yourself

The future is in the digital, actually, it is the present; if your company isnÕt ready to ride the wave of the Digital automotive you are the dinosaur that is disappearing! Now this is a mantra repeated endlessly to the point that someone wonders: “could it be real what they go on telling us in every meeting?” Good question … but maybe not! Only because “everybody” says...

It is enough the name and not the essence. Digital natives and the automotive.

On this blog, several times, we have dealt with the increasing role that, those who are commonly called “the digital natives“, are playing in the communication, in the image and in the bigger cauldron called Marketing. Everyone in the automotive field, from the simple dealer to the big OEM, has to face them. The questions which, basically, arise are two: Who are the digital natives? Which...

Dusseldorf exhibition 2018: How it went

It is not simple dealing about the Dusseldorf Boat Show without being repetitive. In the years of crisis, while almost all the other show of the same field was loosing pieces, credibility and visitors, the Dusseldorf Boot grew up until to become the most important in Europe. The progressive breakdown of the Mediterranean shows in Genoa, Barcelona, Paris and London has inevitably brought professionals...

The list of the most read posts of 2016 on Automotive Space

Also this year we like to publish the list of most read posts of Automotive Space. You can see there are more differences from the last post on the most read posts in 2015. For this reason we can confirm that Automotive Space doesn’t aim the last news. Unfortunately from one year we are publishing a fewer number of post because we haven’t abroad correspondents…be patient; we are working...

Happy Birthday Automotive Space for your 5 years

On 10 January 2011, due to the increasing internet traffic coming from abroad, after only four months from start-up, we decided to create a blog dedicated to international readers; was born Automotive Space International! Totally in English welcomes the posts with international level which have already been published on Automotive Space. Automotive Space does not tell of product or testing, but marketing,...

The list of the most read posts of 2015 of Automotive Space

Automotive Space doesn’t aim the news, but the analysis and insights in the automotive sector. The list of the 10 most read post of all time, is the evidence that our objectives have been achieved. The 10 most read posts of Automotive Space   Cadillac Man: fantasy or reality? Some interesting data collected in Italy, useful… everywhere!; (11 Comments) Mystery shopping activities –...

The Communication Plan of a dealer in the Business Plan

This post deals with a technical aspect usually considered the “Cinderella” of the Business Plan, that is to say the Communication Plan. It minutely describes what will be the ordinary investments, eventually attempting to program the extraordinary ones, about all the allocated budget to this specific field. The Communication Plan is drawn up in collaboration with the commercial area, the marketing...

The spy shots of the new Mazzanti Evantra

A few days ago I had occasion to see closely the by now legendary Evantra 01 of Mazzanti Automobili; and I point out to you the link to see all the exclusive pics. Walking through the Atelier I found a lot of activity around two workstations and, intrigued by the sheets and covers, I am returned in secret and I could steal some shots of a new model of Evantra with more extreme prefomances. I report...

The digital dealer isn’t a solution, rather it is a problem!

Digital Dealer
The category of most-read post ever, on Automotive Space (IT), concerns the guarantee of compliance, or the legal; we refer to more than 50,000 consultations in just over four years. A trend that increases with increasing sales of used cars; probably because the closer it approaches to second-hand market, the more people need information… or even because the more sales are high, the higher is the...

The China gives up the electrics and the Europe just watches

Two months ago I published one post dealing with selling data and the evolution, over the last years, of the electric cars in Europe. To avoid of causing useless wars, I limited to reporting market data (ACEA) and to suggesting how to read them analytically and how to contextualize them. But in private, someone wanted to charge me with provincialism, saying for instance: “…Pietro, but the...

4 years of Automotive Space

Anniversary Automotive-Space
4 years have passed since the first English post on Automotive Space was published, and we want to celebrate it! 😉 From April 10, 2011 to date, it have been published 185 posts, each of them original and with no review of car, receiving more than 220 comments! Although these data are significant, however they should be read together with those, which by now constitute the Automotive Space Community: 620...