Surveys and market researches: reliable results?

After Brexit, American election day (as well as after every wrong electoral prediction) pollsters and researchers are under discussion. The recurring question is: Is it possible to make mistakes so clamorous? First of all it must be said that political pollster and market researcher do different jobs, only in some way similar. The shared aspect is the focus on a target, the not shared thing is the...

Customer satisfaction vs Customer Defection

Some time ago we wrote about that topic (and related costs). The following is a true story, I will tell you about this one step by step to comply with the limits imposed by the website. The events! 1991 One night, my car, registered 1989 with 45.000 Km (I bought it new and always done the MOT at the official place) after the start at a traffic light, suddenly stopped as pushed by an invisible giant...

9th survey by AS. EV car registrations are still very low, why?

electric vehicles
EV car registrations are still very low, why? 91 votes: Is the Automotive Professional tired because of the warm? A topic that has been already dealt with … or is it uninteresting? Who knows! But the fact remains that the votes, deliberately collected among a large set of selections in order to have opinions and ideas from different points of view, finally can be categorized only in 3 thematic...

The Smart Configuration

Smart animal
This time to me it’s hard to split the passionate Giorgio from the Automotive Professional One, but I know most of you will understand me. The configuration of a vehicle is a moment that can be so emotional as rational. And it’s more than this, the configuration is like a driver to incline the customer towards the contract signing (the ‘lucky winner’ among brand-dealer-seller...

Clinic tests, common sense and the desire to truly understand

Clinic Tests
The Clinic Test is an excellent Market Research tool, a unique moment in which the Consumers, Consultants (marketing, image and communication) and Project Managers of the Company have the opportunity to interact and exchange views about one or more prototypes and a significant representation of the competitive market. It should be an occasion for studying (studying you learn) and understanding (listening...

The target doesn’t exist anymore in the automotive

It seems simple, as in a textbook : given the BRAND MODEL of a X segment, it will always exist: A first target, the owner of the same segment; A second target: climbers (from smaller segments or neomotorized) and downshifters (target neglected in the Italian Automotive culture) coming from bigger segments. The target is always been the centre around which the supporting job to the marketing research....