Toyota Prius: world’s best selling model is hybrid!

For the first time in the automotive history an Hybrid vehicle is the world’s best selling model, as reported by research team, with over 256.000 vehicles sold in the first quarter 2012, ahead of former leader, Toyota Corolla (253.000) and Ford Focus (231.000).
Toyota Prius is a full hybrid electric vehicles introduced in the 1997 in the Japanese market and progressivelly launched...
European people urgently needs an Industrial Automotive Project

In 2008 the global financial crisis hit European Economy reducing real purchase power and effecting commodities sectors, including the automotive. Markets started to decline and the European Governments decided to support automotive, considering the high impact over GDP.
In All Top 5 European markets, scrap incentive schemes were introduced in order to stimulate market demand and push low emission...
Global cars sales outlook – March 2012

“2012 started full of uncertain for OEMs in the automotive industry” this was how I started my article last month. At that time reports on January Chinese market performance were not yet available and when they arrived, with an incredible 26% lost year on year, Car OEMs Top Executives become really nervous.
Chinese data were affected by the Chinese New Year falls, with fewer working days, but nobody...
Interview to Daniele Maver, President of Jaguar and Land Rover Italy.

Interview Date: 18th February 2012.
Professional Profile: Daniele Maver
The Italian Market keep falling, while the Worlwide one keep growing. Over 2011, the Italian Light Passengers Market (Cars + Light Commercial Vehicles) scored 2.5% in the world (being 3.7% in 2008).
Did any changes occur against our Market while being approached by OEM?
Are you aware of any deadline in the Chinese Calendar? Really?...
Global Automotive Industry Outlook – Feb 2012

This following article is the second contribution, and is a statement, by focus2move.
Global cars sales outlook
2012 started full of uncertain for OEMs in the automotive industry.
The Top Executives can count on clear trends just in less than 50% of global markets, while for the rest, the uncertain is really high and they struggle on taking decisions about where to attack and how.
In the last years...
Global automotive trends 2011

Global light vehicle industry in the 2011 continues to grow and is projected at over 75.5 million units, new all-time record, 3.3 million up on last year. In November it was 6.386.000, 5.2 up on last year.
All regions achieved year‐on‐year improvements, with the exception of Western Europe which is being hit by the euro-zone debt crisis and is probably entered in recession area in many key countries.
Indian Automotive industry: a unique case of rational national development plan

The Indian automotive industry development (including vehicles at 2, 3 and 4 wheels) continue to deserve performance in line with Government mission fixed in 2006 for the future decade.
The objectives of the Indian Government were to expand the industry by boosting production, domestic market and export sales. The desire is to have an industry contribution at 10% Indian PNL (compared with 5 pct. In...